Monday 28 September 2020

Supporting cast

 Hello, my dear readers. I hope you're doing well.

Ever ystory has their main characters. And I have already introduced you to the four main characters in the Hidden Kingdom.

However, there is a multitude of side characters who are the ones to really bring the world to life.

And I want you to meet those, too. 

So, let's begin, shall we?

Aside from Humans (of whom we haven't met any yet), Elves and Drakya there is a fourth race which is human like, at least in appearance and only if they want to. Sounds difficult? It's quite easy, actually. They are the Elementals, otherwise known as Nature Spirits. Originally shapeless beings of pure magic and energy, they can take on any form they wish, humanoid or animal or even plant.

These two are friends with Althar and frequent guests in the gardens of his estate.

They go by the names Rishe (left, wearing green) and Yferrat (right, wearing brown).

They are basically Althar's neighbors, as they reside in the Spirit Forest, which begins just across the river from where the moon mage has made his home.

Rishe is a flower spirit, his element is earth. He has a friendly and bubbly personality but is also quite naive, since he never leaves the Spirit Forest, aside from the visits to Alther's gardens, and had never seen the world. But he is also curious and always willing to learn. He is very caring, but can stir up quite some mischief if the mood strikes him.

Yferrat is more of a broody type, at least at first glance. He, too is friendly and kind but can get really fierce if he senses danger.  His element is also earth, he is a dryad, a tree spirit. He actually is the guardian spirit of the Spirit Woods and as such can never stray far from it. Althar's garden is one of his favourite places to just hang and have fun. He met Althar first and introduced Rishe at a later time.

That shall be it for today.

Als always, dear readers, I wish you a good day or night, wherever you are.


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