Saturday 19 September 2020

Character introducton pt. 1

Soooo...after I already mentioned one of the main characters in the previous post, I think it's time for introductions.

I'll go one by one, starting with the main characters and adding side characters bit by bit, depending on when they appear in the story and how much of a relevance they have.

We'll begin with the first character I created. She really just started out as a random of the many times when I started drawing with no expectations, just going with the flow and surprising myself with whatever ends up on the paper.

Don't be fooled...this process is not always successful. More often than not I screw up at some point and end up with a pile of angrily shredded paper.

Anyway, let's meet her.

Her name is Ayalynneah and as her pointed ears might give away, she is an elf. She is a sun mage. She is bright and caring, always spreading positivity. She is a hopeless romantic and has been pining for a certain elven warrior (whom I will introduce in a later post).
While overall being a happy person, don't get her angry. Like her cosmic association she has a fiery temper and once enraged definitely is a force to be reckoned with.
Oh...remember Althar? I mentioned him in my previous post. Him and Ayalynneah are siblings, she's a couple of years younger than him. Not that it really matters, since elves at average live several centuries and hardly age once they reached maturity. 
So, there you go. Stay tuned for the next introductions, coming soon!
And with that, my dear readers, I wish you a good day or night, wherever you are.
Oh, before I forget, you can support me by buying me some coffee! Just click on the following link:
Thank you!  

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