Monday 2 August 2021

Writing progress and character re-design

 Hello my dear readers,

I am back with an update. Today I want to give you a little insight on my writing progress.

During the hiatus I didn't write a single word. Before that I reached the milestone of being one third finished with the first pass of book one.

Sine I ended hiatus, I have slowly but surely continued writing and am now about halfway done. With book one, that is.

At the same time I have started the first pass on book two. Since those two follow te same timeline, it's easy for me to avoid continuity errors and line up the plot lines.

Aside from the writing I have been working on quite a bit of art and during that process I have decided on some slight re-designs of some of the characters.

Most notably is the change in Althar's design. If you go back to the older posts, you'll see that Althar originally had short hair with choppy bangs. That has changed now. The choppy bangs remain, but the rest of his hair is long now. It reaches down to the small of his back.

So that shall be it for now. Thank you all for your patience.

I wish you a good morning, day, evening or night. Wherever you are.



Tuesday 13 July 2021


 Hello my dear readers,

good news! As you can see in the title, I have returned to the Hidden Kingdoms.

I took a good few months of a much needed break, working on some other projects and clearing my head. I gave myself the time I needed to find my way back, to find my inspiration and the LOVE and PASSION again, that I have for this project.

I'm not devoting myself to a posting schedule yet, but there will be frequent updates again with more snippets, more lore and more art!

So, please stay tuned!

And with that, my dear readers, I wish you a good morning, day, evening or night, wherever you are.

Much love,


Thursday 4 February 2021


 Hello, dear readers!

As you might have noticed, there has been a significant lack of updates on this blog.

I am afraid it will stay like that for a little while longer. Life is happening and I don't really have the mental strength to continue working on the book, at least for now.

I'm not giving up on the project...but I allow myself to take a break from it. How long? As long as I need.

I'm sorry. 

Still, I wish you a good morning, day, evening or night, wherever you are.


Thursday 12 November 2020

Lore, myths and background stories

 Good day, my dear readers!

First of all, I owe all of you an apology. I have been MIA for weeks and for that I am deeply sorry. Truth is, I was in a pretty bad place mentally and had to step away from the novel and writing in general. It just didn't feel right.

Now, I am back, though. After focusing on my art for a while and, I am ready to expand and explore the Hidden Kingdoms again.

Every world has it's own lore, it's legends and myths. And this one is no different. And as it often happens, myths turn to belief and religions are created. So...let's talk about religion a little, shall we?

The most prominent religion in the Hidden Kingdoms is that of the human population. Being the only non-magical race, they pray to deities and direct their hopes and wishes to them.

The most major religion worships Avia, the sun goddess. She has many titles next to her name: Sunbearer, Mother of the Daystar, The Phoenixborn.

This last title refers to how Avia herself came to existence.

"In a time, where the skies and the world were shrouded in darkness, magic itself created the birds of fire and flame. They roamed the skies and the world saw it's first light. It was fleeting, however, because the phoenixes disappeared periodically, to replenish their energy.

Wishing for more light and life, one bird of fire used all of his remaining energy and fed his magic into one little spark. As the bird faded away, the magic in his last spark gave birth to a new being: Avia. She carried the light and flame of the phoenix inside of her and it grew and grew as her first days went by. Until suddenly, a ball of energy and light burst forth from her body, soaring up into the sky. 

She had given birth to the sun. Since that time, the daystar brightens our days and only leaves to replenish it's fire, giving way to darkness to claim the world again until it returns and rises anew the next day.

Avia herself stayed in the world and watched life spring forth. She built a high tower in the south of the realm, close to the mountains. As time went by, people of different races settled down close to the tower. First the elves, with whom she graciously shared her magic and her wisdom. Later the humans, who simply basked in her light and praised her for gracing them with light hand life.

Those golden days are long past, and Avia has disappeared. She left her tower to the elves and the city to all folk who lived there. Where she went, is unknown. But as long as the daystar is in the sky, her magic and good will is with all who praise her."

That is how this tale goes. Much is myth, but there is also a lot of truth. The one known to mankind as Avia, is known to the elves by another name and they also know what she truly was: one of their kind.

Cilelieth was the first known elven sun-mage. It is true that the was the one who built the Golden Spire and it is also true that she resided there as the first humans settled close to the tower. Having never encountered an elf before, they believed her to be a deity and thus the cult around her began. 

Where she went and if she is still alive, is unknown even to elvenkind.

Well...that shall be it for today. As always, my dear readers, I hope you have a great day or night, wherever you are.


Monday 12 October 2020

Supporting cast pt. 3

 It's Monday, which means we're back with the character introductions.

A major part of book 1 plays in the two locations of the elven Academy of Arcane Arts, located in the two major cities of the realm.

The academies are led by headmasters, high ranking mages who devote their lives to educate and train the younger generations. The academies specialize in magic only, so those without magic abilities will be transferred to other training facilities after the initial testing.

I want to introduce the two headmasters today:

Villyrd (male, on the right) is the headmaster of the academy in Irydrin Tower in Central Cathedral. He is in charge of the testing, where young elves gather to be tested for their magic abilities.

He is strict, but not unkind. He bases his decisions on what he seems best for the younglings, even if it means ripping apart close bonded siblings, as he has to with Ayalynneah and Althar.

He has mastered more than one element, his closest affinity he has with earth, though. 

The academy in the Golden Spire in South Citadel (largest city in the realm and capitol of the humans) is even more specialized. While they train mages of all elemental affinities, they mainly focus on fire and sun magic.

Headmistress in the Golden Spire academy is Niuvee (female, on the left). Her affinity is earth as well and she has specialized in plant magic. She is very patient and kind, but strong headed and willing to go to extremes if neccessary.

And that's it for today, my dear readers. I hope you liked all the introductions so far. Next blog will be on Thursday, so stay tuned.

As always, I hope you have a great day or night, wherever you are.


Thursday 8 October 2020

A little rant

 Hello, my dear readers.

Let me tell you, writing is hard. Like all creative work, it takes a lot out of you. And there will be times when your inspiration vanishes and takes all motivation with it.

Sometimes it's just in your head.

Sometimes life happens and you're so occupied with other things that you don't have the energy to be creative.

That' where I'm at currently. Life is a bit of a struggle and it exhausts me to a degree where sitting down to write isn't more than a chore.

I know it's temporary. But it means writing will take much longer than I anticipated. Which maybe is for the better. I promised myself not to rush myself.

The stories are there, inside me, waiting to be told.

On Monday I'll post the next character introduction. I already have the art finished.

So until then, as always my dear readers, I hope you habe a good day or night, wherever you are.


Monday 5 October 2020

Supporting cast pt. 2

 Hello, my dear readers!

As promised, we'll be continuing with the introductions today.

In the second story snippet I posted, two sun mages are mentioned: Ciall and Genvil.

Ciall (red hair, on the left) is the first sun mage Ayalynneah comes across and he is also the one who finds out about the nature of her magic. He is the youngest member of the high council of elves and as such has many responsibilities which keep him from training Lynnie after her first year at the academy.

He is a kind person and very supportive. 

Genvil (ash grey hair, on the right) is the exact opposite. He is the resident sun mage in the city of South Citadel and also teaches fire magic at the academy there. He is put in charge of Lynnie's training starting her second year.

He is strict, harsh, sarcastic and seems to have strong negative feelings towards Ayalynneah. He is also elitist and has a hunger for power.

There you go. This will be all for today. Next post will be up on Thursday, so stay tuned.

As always, I wish you a good day or night, wherever you are.
